All your
electrical needs
under one roof!


Master electrician

Automation and control panels

Specialized electrical services for the
industry and your home

In business since 1979, the company integrates the know-how of 4 electrical contractors that merged together.

Even if we’re more involved within the industrial and commercial, we have teams performing residential jobs.

Electrician CAA Recommanded



Member of CMEQ since 1979
15 electricians / 10 trucks


We are proud to announce that Mr. Stephane Carrier has been elected President of the
“Corporation des Maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ)” for 2017-2018.

Involved at the provincial level for a few years, he has been selected among the 3400 electrical contractors in Quebec. Its nomination is a proof thta Mr. Carrier and C Electric’s leadership and professionalism have been appreciated by its confreres.

© CÉlectrique 2016